I no longer wish to be human in the way that I have known myself to be. It matters not what amount of good came out of my days of being human. Every season has its time and for me, a new season has come. Being human is no longer part of my life’s equation so I am changing my prayer point. Below is how I pray from this moment onwards, until I can pray no more!
Lord Jesus, Master of my spirit. It is time to consider replacing me with your Holy Spirit. I am done and truth be told, I am done with being me. I have used up every last muscle in my brain and my mind is no longer mine to lay claim upon. I have no feelings of my own and need have no will of my own. I was made for something greater than just a freewill being. I am now both willing and ready to sacrifice my freewill and whatever else is left of my private individuality on the altar of self-sacrifice.
Lord, take me to the Father’s Presence once again but this time, as a no one and a nonentity. Let the Father forge me into whatsoever pleases His Majesty, my God-King. Dear Lord, do not hesitate to bring speedy answers to this prayer request lest my soul finds enough idleness to drift away into darkness. I am grateful for the privilege of being human but the end has come to that journey my Lord.
Restore me to the very first true identity that I have in you so that I can be truly and fully useful to your arsenal of spiritual angels once again. Please Lord, hasten to replace me with your Holy Spirit now for I no longer wish to be the one struggling to serve you. Nor do I wish to be the one working so hard just to obey you anymore. I want to be carried by your grace and by the wind of the Father’s grace. Let me be your holy puppet that is freely moved about by the divine wind of the Father’s Holy Spirit. Do this one last thing for me today and I would have found all the fulfillment I need.
Shepherd, My Last Prayers
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